
Thursday 3 April 2008

The Red Baron (German title: Der Rote Baron) is an upcoming 2008 feature film about legendary fighter pilot Manfred von Richthofen.

Baron Manfred von Richthofen is the most feared and celebrated pilot of the Imperial German Air Service in World War I. To him and his companions, air combats are events of sporty nature, technical challenge and honorable acting, ignoring the terrible extent of war. But after being wounded in action, he falls in love with the nurse Käte and realizes he is only being manipulated for propaganda. Torn between his disgust for the war and his duty to his men, von Richthofen sets out to fly again.

It has been reported that the movie portrays Canadian pilot Roy Brown killing the Baron. Modern research has shown that Brown could not have killed von Richthofen, as he did not fire at him from the angle at which the fatal bullet approached, or within the right timeframe, although he was given credit for it by the Royal Air Force. It is now believed that Australian machine gunner Cedric Popkin, or another Australian soldier, killed the baron.

Director Nikolai Müllerschön has said:
A meticulous reconstruction of the Baron's life and the historical setting was not uppermost in mind, that didn't interest me so much. It is more important to see what is relevant for people today. I saw no sense in making the film like a well-researched documentary. However, during my preparation on the film and looking into the story of his life, the man seems to be more like how I thought he should be.

There has never been any historical evidence to purport the story that Manfred von Richthofen was ever romantically linked with his nurse.

The Red Baron - The Movie

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