A magnificent heraldic, illuminated and calligraphic manuscript book of the coats of arms of the Supreme Pontiffs from Innocent III to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.
In 2007 renowned heraldic artist, Andrew Jamieson had an idea to produce a book. A magnificent, monumental vellum codex, showing the coats of arms of all the Popes from Innocent III to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, Gloriosamente Regnante. The book (The Saint Peter Codex) will be in three sections. The first will contain title, and dedication pages, prayers and a chapter on the traditions of heraldry in the Catholic Church. The second will contain paintings of the arms of the Popes one per page each one set within a unique and beautifully decorated border and finally a Roll of Honour listing the names of all the Principal Donors who made the work possible. It will be one of the largest heraldic books produced since the Middle Ages. It will use approximately 60 calf skins, and nearly one hundred grams of 23c gold paint.
Andrew who is herald painter to the British Association of the Sovereign, Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta approached Officers of the Order to ask if they might become Principal Patrons of the work. In April 2008, HMEH The Prince and Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Fra Matthew Festing agreed to be a Principal Patron along with His Grace the Archbishop of Glasgow, the Most Reverend, Mario Conti.
The work will be paid for by Principal Donors. Each Donor will have their names inscribed in a Roll of Honour in the final section of the book, that their names may bear witness, through centuries to come, of their generosity and patronage of this important and historic work of art and as a testament to their enduring support and the importance of the continual Grace and Majesty of the Office of the Holy Father in Rome.
Source: santpetercodex.com
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