
Friday 16 December 2016

As I Remember Them by Galina von Meck

"В 1860 году мой дед Лев Васильевич Давыдов, сын декабриста, женился на Александре Ильиничне Чайковской, сестре композитора, и привез свою жену в Каменку. Это открыло страницу новой жизни, новой эпохи в Каменке, может быть не столь величественной, как прежде, когда жила здесь с семьей сказочно богатая Екатерина Николаевна Давыдова, вдова Льва Васильевича Давыдова и племянница Потёмкина, и где сын её, молодой декабрист Василий, строил заговор и встречался со своими друзьями."

Цитата из книги Галины фон Мекк "Как я их помню" (Source).

фонд им. Сытина 1999г ISBN 5-86863-107-2 Перевод на русский язык Никитина.

Writer and translator, grand-niece of Tchaikovsky (b. 13/25 October 1891 in Moscow; d. 9 April 1985 at Hounslow, near London), born Galina Nikolayevna fon Mekk (Галина Николаевна фон Мекк).

Galina was the third child of Nadezhda von Meck's son Nikolay (1863–1929) and Tchaikovsky's niece Anna (b. Davydova, 1864–1942). On a visit to England in 1912 she met her first husband, William Noel Burrowes Perrott (1880–1942), by whom she had a daughter Anna (1915–1995); however, he failed to settle into Russian life and the marriage was dissolved in 1925. Galina was later arrested for trying to assist a prisoner over the Russian frontier, and spent several years in Moscow's Lubyanka prison and exile in Siberia, where she married for the second time to a fellow prisoner, Dmitry Orlovsky, who later disappeared. She was released in 1935 and made her way to England via Germany.

In England she wrote her autobiography — As I remember them (1973) — concerning her early family life. She also translated much of the correspondence between Tchaikovsky and her grandmother into English (Source).